Tuesday, August 4, 2009

St John Viannie

Today is St John Viannie's day.I am going to tell you what happened in St John Viannie's life. he was born in France 1786 on the 8th of may and died on the 4th of August 1859. He worked on his fathers farm for 14 years just waiting to be a priest.He tried 3 times to be a priest but could never got5 it right.Finally, on the 3rd time the pope saw that he could do it and he became a priest.He was a priest at the ''ARS''church. He hardley got any sleep because he was alway's listening to peoples confession's. people started to bullie him and hurt him but he never told the police, he just ignored them. He died at the age of 72 and after 63 years he became a saint. He is now also known as the patron saint of preists.


prep red said...

Well done Hallie. You need to make sure you use full stops and capitals when you publish your work. Please also use spell check before you click publish. This helps pick up typing errors!
Mrs R